Credit analysis
Geometrisks is a leading provider of Business Credit Analysis. Our solutions help to reduce credit risk in everyday business transactions.Innovative & Incisive Credit Risk Analyses and Business Corporate Intelligence
Building core competencies in Business Credit Analytics and Risk Management solutions through knowledge, data management and effective risk-mitigating tool creation.
Customized approach for each client with tailor-made solutions and strategies;
We provide solutions which offer a cost advantage for our Business Intelligence service;
Customised Risk Scoring model on Financial & Non financial data attributes;
Professional and dedicated team
Leading edge technology
Geometrisks Inc -The New Standard in Financial Data, Credit and Investment
Geometrisks Financial MetricsTM is a fully customizable excel based data and analytics platform. It provides you with fully-adjusted financials as well as standard and other useful non-standard ratios. Geometrisks Financial Metrics comprehensive credit analysis allows you to make adjustments for investment opportunities and more.
Customizable Fully-Adjusted Financials and Ratio Analysis
View your company financials adjusted to reflect economic reality and assess your risk
Geometrisks methodologies allow you to view non standard ratios the better reflect risk and opportunities.
Make investment decisions that incorporates your specific company profile
Modeling and Reports
Our reports highlight standard and non standard ratios to help you understand your credit profile
With this tool, you can generate peer analyses or custom create your own for your industry
Save time with these customized reports with a flexible data platform that you can adjust and tailor with time
Model projection scenarios based on fully-adjusted financials
View your historical data analysis or create pro-forma models and analyses
Generate custom reports that incorporate your projected financials and ratios
Internal Rating Comparability and Transparency
We can help you create your own internal based rating model.
Anticipate rating changes by understanding your own company risk drivers and industry-specific rating drivers
Run various scenarios and conduct stress testing with interactive methodologies.
Generate standard and non standard reports designed and used by analysts in the rating process
Run peer comparisons and identify outliers to help you shape your risk profile and investment appetite
Peer Comparisons and Adjustment Details
Use fully-adjusted financials for meaningful peer analysis
Identify outliers on key metrics and understand their drivers and meanings
Data is compatible with Excel for further analysis and investigations
Calculate your customized peer group statistics: ratios, financials and more
Create custom peer groups or use our defined industry peers
Understand how Geometrisks adjusts the financials for each credit ratio to reflect economic reality and customize your own.